When you consider the time spent on your work, you'll close all the
facts that motivate you.
Do not consider yourself as a simply puppet at the eyes of who you
Do not consider to take more time to achieve what you started as your
eyes became tired.
Do not consider lying in what you think about and all what you thought
you will need to think to clearly understand.
As conflict in your mind do not bring you all kind of robotics that you
think it cames for you.
You should also take spare time with the melody of what it carries you
all over your travel.
Do not forget what you have to forget until the day it will release your
Segregation runs last and until forgetting will need to be released in
your eyes and on my eyes.
Do not comment what you read except if it urges you to do so in the
time it happens.
Do not forget your ego is the only thing to be cherished in your life
and in yours actions.
Do not be believe in a single eye that guide your walking throught your
The only go for it, it cames for you. The only thing to do is manage the
It comes not only for you but for novelty in the spirists you claim to be
aimed at.
You will certainly fall ill, not only mentaly, until the day you choose to
be the one.
And she comes not only for you, what did make you think you was the
only one.
Give them their only wanted death, the day you choose, not the day she
Next time you will be allowed to close your eyes, not your property
You read and it's not the only fact, she will not tell you anything only
the forgetting.
It's already falling not so far as your shame could make you intend at
those forgetted times.
My eyes are not the only eyes that already forget yours, all those eyes
are seeing your death.
Not your last life resumes the next, in the real spare time on this one,
what have you done ?
Do not consider the time you spend in creating your surrender hoping
to have done nothing.
Except the better gloom of the molasses you let for who would know
your masterpiece.
And make them understand to remember that they didn't have fail to
the need.
It comes to awake you for eternity, the day of your death only, the better
day for ever.
I know.
You do not know who is the of the choice of your hearth,
a long time ago.
Since the angels were waiting for your soul being enlighted
of all that kind of Love.
A peace for eternity, since a long time, the time you forget
already when you meet yours.
A price for your existence, a hope for eternity, with the only
key of your life.
A price for your past, at the time of present, and for those you
do not have to think anymore.
A price for new times, at the level of all your paths, lead to
the Exodus.
It brings your the end of your suffering, the end of your long
The end of times, the turn of all lacks, the end of the only
The melody carries you to the state of union walking, with
your eternal.
No doubt anymore, between what you asked, and what it
brings to you.
And for the extend of your life, and for the life of the be loved,
you believe.
And for the wind of the ideas, the Love that it created for you
and your beloved.
And for all the flowers it will offer you, and for all the darkness
you will forget.
And for all morning, it makes you think to your tendernesses,
or your sweets.
And for your creation and not for selfishness, but only for it and
its whole.
Did you forget that it was not for you ? Did you forget that your life
is only for her ?
Did you forget your suffering along ? Did you forget what was your
destitutes ?
Do the nexts will make you to forget ? Do it helps you to forget that
it should be ?
Did you get the chance of your life ? Or the chance for who it will
give birth ?
No more exodus, no more way out, to know the destiny of who have
And for the loop, for the next time, until it ends your dream, for
Not to change the matter of your chance, your are your only slave,
and for its past.
For all the elements believed you created with your beloved.
Nothing to say to the mother of all well known deaths,
the murders.
The last day you choose for who could be an associate,
a friend.
The day of his life, the best day ever known to his opened
The day he saw you for the first time, killing him to do not
have seen you.
Because I did not believe you, because you think he did not
saw you.
Because you did not prevent such a end for your best friend,
the dead.
Because all he brings to you was not enough, you were only
in need of his death.
Because their avenge will be your gain, your pain, to prevent
you from suffering.
Because of their jalousy to stay alive, because of their revenge
to get death too.
Because they saw it in your eyes, because they believe it from
his death.
Because times are so peacefull, because time is running out
before your end.
Because your murders will save you from this end, and because
you may forget it.
Because it was necessary to kill them, not for your end, but to
see their eyes.
Because they did not saw you at the time only of their destiny
of dying by your hands.
Because they will be astonished by your choice to see their eyes
seeing you now.
Now, at the end of their life, for eternity they will know you
Because they will make your history anyway, hope their eyes
seeing you.
Seeing you, do not let them time to wonder why you choose to
end their lifes.
You won, they lost, they see you for the first time, they will
never forget it.
It rules, the remember, the who it observes you, the only one
that matter.
No melodies at their ends, it makes them remember to retrieve
the joy of their deaths.
All food for it, and for your awakening, from the worst nightmare
they cause you.
Stand alone with their blood on your hands, you deserve the time
you get reward.
Reward of his death and theirs, after all, they also deserve to see
you as you are.
Until the end, until it introduces itself as the memory of their soil
with their blood.
Their dry blood, their dirty blood.
Times are come to pay your note dudes, this will come no so
I have all they see or hear I say, since I build all by my own,
from derivate.
I born not to see your death, I have born to see eternity, my
Not for your money, not to make a fool of yourself, not for
the bell.
Animals, the bell witch tinkle above your neck, when they
make you come up.
Not for their money, because it necessary to make him falling
over the fence.
Because the empty you bring remembers it, not for your own
Because she give me that you do not have, because she and
Because it give it birth the only day I choose, for the new world
I choose.
Because she wanted it only these day, because I was born for
the day requisite.
Because it was the only day that matter, that give matterr of
The sound of the reward, not yours, if only you were wondering,
these day.
The day she choose for me, the day I come back to life, the day
I have built it.
The day I choose my way, the day of all ways, the day they did
not talk about.
The day I grow, the day I walk with all my time, the day of all
end of yours.
The day I forget your wretched life, the day he will get birth,
for her.
The day that you was predestinate to ignorance, the day she choose
for him.
The day of his ruling, when she told him to come down from our
The day you were urge to fall silent, the day you do not think to
keep quiet.
The day when no more god will give you a chance to wonder not to
The world was not created for him, he give rise to it, the day of his
The day it give proof to all your errors, all you choose to do in an
unbelieved name.
The day when you, animals, get finally stupor to your stupidity,
The day when you loose yours beliefs, he remembers, and you
It is his ownership.
The creation of that you did not think, that nobody
think before.
From no area, from nothing, from no choice of past
The perfect creation, the whole world, in a double void
of nothing.
For the perfection of it, from a long time of thinking,
and from that you wonder.
Since he is born a long time ago, since not everyone do
not understand why.
Althought you extend their thinking, althought they
You do not know where they live, where the wind will
get one's breath back.
It says that they do not know why they are living, also
since when.
Throw the wind where you think they will not understand
why they are choosen.
From nothing, where nothing is happening, for the reason
of nothing.
Not from your lost, not for nothing, only for the belief that
it works.
Not for rewards, not to dominate, to stay where you live,
at your one place.
He died from natural death, and to achieve his believers to
his creation.
He wanted to created only for beauty, and cause his believers
not to think he was the greatest criminal.
Think there is no choice for them, the day they choose to let
you create.
Think they never understood what you were doing at the
Think that the only way they think that destiny bring them
Destiny brings you the idea, and for the eternity, the time you
That the perfect creation involves them at all, and their
Since they are used to decline in the confusion they are living
from birth,
Since they are used to choose from proposals, since they throw
their own end,
Since the only logic guides you, since it choose you from their
Since yours thoughts have been planned by your own interest,
of what it comes,
Since you were lucky to forget them at the time, and their
Nothing to won and all to loose when you now have your
own choice.
Without any questions, but with no doubt on the answer,
even before,
The hole it will let you under all the burden they make you
Without any answer althought they have dig the sufficient place
to store it,
Under the sun that lead them, or the wind you throw to tolerate
their ignorance,
Before he came to this earth, before they made of them pillars,
for others to forget,
The day that he did not be ready to burn of pains, from fertility,
for wealth,
To madness for eternity, on the path of who they murdered, on
the name they have the ownership,
No choice for their ancestors to contradict the choice of who created
the two ways,
On calling it sacrifice, no doubt from where there is no idea about
what create it.
No doubt that he planned to die to become, no doubt that it
guides him too,
No doubt to consider a short spread to his living, in what do matter
to be on time,
For the livings of who have already died, and their motivation
to lead them to death,
They have the only ownership of the forgetten, the one who
give his creation,
Until the day it will come to mutate their living under what it assert
to emphasize,
In the name of the already forgetten, all parts of the destiny they
Together in the name of who they murdered without any doubt
on the name of who they serve,
And the other they did not saw slow walk along suffering, to
the death he dreams about,
Thus, they live forgetting that they were no other choice for
their living,
Until he will come to explain them their choice of murder to
forget to choose their death,
From a long time, they choose for him the way he follows,
and the who killed him,
That the name is already sink into Oblivion.
Like all animals usefull to make food with their flesh,
just warm flesh,
Like cows going back to their box, in the darkness
of their ignorance,
Like rust deteriorate the forgetten piece of metal,
let here,
Like chickens seeking for something in their place of
Like blood flowing inside your veins, warming your
Like dead leaves flying on the wind, to announce the
right day,
Like the sun warming up my skin, they were waiting,
but not for her,
She who was waiting only for him only for her,
She who was waiting for him combing her's hair,
She who was waiting for him, thinking about her lace,
She who was waiting for him, walking the streets thinking
about him,
She who was waiting for him, thinking about what to say
She who was waiting for him thinking it was devoid of sense
without him,
She who was waiting for him, thinking it's selfishness to
wait for him this way,
She who was waiting for him, thinking she was not only destiny
to be waiting this way,
She who was waiting for him, thinking she choose right to
wait for him,
She who was waiting for him, planning the rest of their life,
She who was waiting for him, like a fairy of protection
guiding his life,
She who was waiting for him, thinking about her only
She who was waiting for the time that she and him will
spend together at last,
Since the time they meet from Oblivion, to their duet
On the land of their Union.
All original texts from the only LCF who wrote it in 2006.
Poem keys entirely generated by my generated bipolar crypting.