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I. Laval/Mana Special effect.


Description of the effect, of particules container follow a mesh.

II. Volumetric fog special effect.

Quad primitive rendering with depth values covering all the screen, with rain animated texture give good rain effect.

Specular effect on environment gives an over-realism touch to the scene.

III. Altitude clouds special effect.


Right image as impostors.

Impostors rendering given a density of clouds particules, with second rendering of depth of field blur.

Depth of field blur is a blur rendering of the scene with larger depth of rendering that must be z-cutted by volumetric fog.

IV. Special effect of glass.

A gray texture and same at environment mapping.

V. Dithering.

3D Cards offer the possibility to render with dithering in low color res.

VI. Software Rendering of 1995.

3D Cards offer the possibility to render in high resolution. Triangles Rasterisation

Effet 3D de plūmes de Paon

All original screenshots are property of L.C.F. (c) Laurent Cancé Francis 2008.
